Sono Herbs Blog — CBD

Why are people using CBD as a workout aid?


Why are people using CBD as a workout aid?

We know a lot of amazing qualities of the CBD, so it is no wonder its popularity is growing amongst different communities, such as fitness culture. The popularity of CBD has been noticeably growing in the bodybuilding community due to CBDs ability to reduce muscle soreness and inflammation. Intake of CBD can also encourage better sleep, which stimulates protein synthesis, where muscle repair can take place.  In short, CBD is of course not the main component to building muscle, but CBD certainly does help to nourish the body for better protein synthesis.  Alongside providing physical assistance, CBD also provides a...

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What is Hemp?

CBD Hemp

What is Hemp?

Cannabis sativa, or as we affectionately know it as hemp, is a versatile plant with a rich history dating back to 2800 BCE China. Initially prized for its resilient fibers, hemp has transformed into a plant of endless possibilities. From foods, herbal products, and skincare to textiles and the highly sought-after CBD, hemp is a botanical powerhouse.

Distinguishing hemp from marijuana

While hemp and marijuana plants belong to the same species of plant, the legal distinction lies in the THC content, with hemp containing minimal levels.

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What is CBD?


Since the federal government has eased restrictions on using and selling CBD products, they’ve started appearing everywhere - even in our shop. As we prepare to launch a line of hemp smoking products, we feel it’s worth taking a closer look at what CBD is, and what it’s used for. CBD, or cannabidiol is 1 of 144 cannabinoids that have been isolated from the hemp plant. Cannabinoids are a class of chemical compounds found both within the animal and plant kingdoms. Our bodies produce our own, known as endocannabinoids, while plants produce a variety known as phytocannabinoids. Luckily, our body...

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