Sono Herbs Blog

What are Terpenes?


What are Terpenes?

Cannabis is just one of the plants that boast these aromatic wonders, you can also find terpenes in herbs like sage and thyme to citrus fruits, the hops in beer and in essential oils.

Now, let’s talk cannabis (which includes CBD). Terpenes are the reason why different strains don’t just look different but also smell and taste distinctly unique. These aromatic compounds don’t just play a role in making these products smell good, they might also team up with cannabinoids and other compounds to create what researchers call the ‘entourage effect’.

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What is CBD?


Since the federal government has eased restrictions on using and selling CBD products, they’ve started appearing everywhere - even in our shop. As we prepare to launch a line of hemp smoking products, we feel it’s worth taking a closer look at what CBD is, and what it’s used for. CBD, or cannabidiol is 1 of 144 cannabinoids that have been isolated from the hemp plant. Cannabinoids are a class of chemical compounds found both within the animal and plant kingdoms. Our bodies produce our own, known as endocannabinoids, while plants produce a variety known as phytocannabinoids. Luckily, our body...

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Blue Lotus - An Overview

Blue Lotus - An Overview

Blue Lotus is a three-thousand year old water lily hailing from the banks of the Nile river. Revered for its psychoactive properties, ancient cultures from across the globe knew this flower to be a powerful lucid dreaming aid, and an aphrodisiac. Uses for it abound, and it's never fallen out of popularity - today we're exploring why.

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Mullein - History and Uses

Mullein - History and Uses

Mullein is a common flower that can be found on every continent in the globe, often found sprouting from disturbed landscapes and once-tilled fields. Mullein is an ancient herb that clears the respiratory system and helps you breathe easier.

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