Sono Herbs Blog

Connection Between Scent And Emotional Well-Being

Connection Between Scent And Emotional Well-Being

Smells are strongly interconnected with our feelings and emotions and undeniably wired with our memories as well. I think most of us have a few smells that remind us of our childhood, perhaps a familiar scent from the family kitchen associated with good suppressed memories, or that distinct smell that we automatically associate with a specific time of the year or a holiday. I don't think there are many people who don’t think of a beach vacation when they catch a glimpse of that sweet smell of sunscreen with coconut…  It really is such a wonder of how complex the...

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Why does our libido increase during summer months?

Why does our libido increase during summer months?

As the temperatures rise up, so does our friskiness and sex drive, but have we ever wondered why is that happening? Besides logical things, such as more active socialisation during warmer months, there are actual physical and scientific reasons that explain our increased libido during warmer weather surge.   Glorious sunshine that we get during summer stimulates extra release of serotonin and dopamine, which are two of the most vital neurochemicals in our brain that are essential to a healthy sex drive. Viewing sunlight stimulates around a 50% increase in circulating cortisol, epinephrine and dopamine. These result in healthy increases in...

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Herbal aid for insomnia?

Herbal aid for insomnia?

What we often overlook is the quality of the sleep and our dreams as well and how much of an effect it has on how rested we feel after the sleep session. Sometimes even when we manage to have a full night's sleep, we still somehow get up tired, drained and feeling unfulfilled. It seems like our dreams tend to affect the quality of our sleep a lot, and naturally if there are things that are bothering us, we will also be experiencing some of that in our dreams. So the goal would be to find a solution that not...

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Herbal smoking ritual to help you quit nicotine and tobacco

Herbal smoking ritual to help you quit nicotine and tobacco

Quitting smoking can be challenging, especially for daily smokers who have incorporated it into their routine. Surveys indicate that many long-term smokers prefer to quit gradually rather than suddenly. Abrupt cessation often relies solely on willpower, which research has shown may not be as effective. Studies over the past 25 years suggest that only about 5% of those who try to quit smoking abruptly succeed for longer than six months We smoke cigarettes a lot out of habit, in social situations, or especially when we feel stressed at work. In those moments, having a cigarette is a treat we all...

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Natural ways to increase sex drive with herbal aphrodisiacs

Natural ways to increase sex drive with herbal aphrodisiacs

Today we would like to help you discover natural ways to enhance sex drive with the use of herbal aphrodisiacs.  There are natural ways to increase sex drive that can be useful to people with low libido and anyone who would like to increase sex drive naturally.  The introduction of the first pharmacologically approved remedy for impotence, Viagra in the 1990s still remains a popular option, however people are on the lookout for aphrodisiacs that arouses sexual desires naturally, mainly because of side effects associated with use of such medicines. There are actually amazing herbal aphrodisiacs known and used  for...

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