What are Terpenes?


Unveiling the magic of these natural compounds

Terpenes are natural chemicals found in plants and some animals, that give plants their unique smells, flavors, and colors. Cannabis is just one of the plants that boast these aromatic wonders, you can also find terpenes in herbs like sage and thyme to citrus fruits, the hops in beer and in essential oils.

Terpenes and Cannabis

Now, let’s talk cannabis (which includes CBD). Terpenes are the reason why different strains don’t just look different but also smell and taste distinctly unique. These aromatic compounds don’t just play a role in making these products smell good, they might also team up with cannabinoids and other compounds to create what researchers call the ‘entourage effect’. It’s like a symphony of elements working together to produce the desired effects, whether it’s relaxation, stress relief, an energy boost, or enhanced focus.



Do Terpenes Get You High?

No, unlike THC, terpenes won’t make you feel high in the traditional sense. However, some terpenes are considered psychoactive because of their influence on the brain. While they aren’t intoxicating on their own, terpenes may increase the effects of THC and that euphoric feeling associated with cannabis.

 The scientific exploration into terpenes is still new, with over 400 terpenes identified in cannabis, researchers are only beginning to unravel their mysteries.

 Just For Show? (And Smell)

Terpenes aren’t just about making your cannabis smell and taste amazing, they also play a crucial role in enhancing therapeutic benefits. From aromatherapy to potential synergies with cannabinoids, terpenes contribute to the overall well-being and experience of these products.

While we’re still unraveling the mysteries of terpenes, it’s clear that these aromatic compounds are more than just a pleasant aroma. They contribute to the diversity of strains, enhance therapeutic effects, and can be the key to unlocking the full spectrum of experiences nature has to offer.


Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7763918/

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